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PAGE II 聚酰亚胺分子量对PP∕PI复合材料的影响 摘要:本文主要是以PMDA-ODA型聚酰亚胺改性PP为研究对象,按PI分子量的不同制备五组PP/PI复合材料。用TGA、冲击、拉伸和燃烧等实验研究了PI分子量对复合材料热稳定性、力学性能、燃烧性能以及聚集态的影响。 对制备的复合材料进行各种性能测试和结构表征,研究发现,随着PP/PI复合材料中PI的分子量的增加,复合材料拉伸强度,冲击强度无明显变化,断裂伸长率、阻燃性和热稳定性均增大,而弹性模量有所降低。经不同分子量的PI制成的复合材料对比发现,中分子量的PI对PP改性,材料的综合性能最好。 关键词:聚丙烯,聚丙烯接枝马来酸酐,聚酰亚胺,复合材料 Effect of different PI molecular weight on PP/PI composites Abstract: The main object in study of this paper is the Polypropylene modified with PI using the type of PMDA-ODA,making five different composite materials according to the different molecular weight of PI.With TGA, impact, tensile and combustion experimented of PI addition on the thermal stability of composite materials, mechanical properties, and combustion performance and aggregation effect. Testing the composite materials performance and characterizing their structure,we can find that,when the PI molecular weight increase, the tensile strength and the impact strength didn’t change obviously,the elongation at break, the flame resistance and the thermal stability of the composites are increased,and the elastic modulus of the composites are decreased more or less.Compared with the different molecular weight PI of the composites,it shows that when PP is modified with middle molecular weight of PI,PP/PI composite materials comprehensive perform best. Keyword: PP,PP-g-MAH,PI,composite materials PAGE PAGE III 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 前言 1 1.1 聚丙烯 1 1.1.1 聚丙烯概述 1 1.1.2 聚丙烯加工工艺 2 1.2 聚丙烯改性方法 4 1.2.1 聚丙烯化学改性 4 1.2.2 聚丙烯物理改性 5 1.3 聚酰亚胺 6 1.3.1 聚酰亚胺概述 6 1.3.2 聚酰亚胺的性能 7 1.3.3聚酰亚胺的合成 7 1.4选题目的及意义 8 2实验部分 9 2.1 主要实验原料及试剂 9 2.2实验设备及仪器 10 2.3 PAA与PI的合成及分子量的测定 10 2.4 PP-g-MAH的制备与分析 14 2.4.1 PP-g-MAH压片的制备 15 2.4.2 红外光谱法对接枝产物的表征及接枝率的计算 16 2.5 PP/PI复合材料的制备 16 2.6性能测试 17 2.6.1力学性能测试 17 2.6.2扫描电镜测试 17 2.6.3红外光谱表征 18 2.6.4偏光显微镜表征 18 2.6.5水平燃烧测试 18 2.6.6热失重分析 18 3结果与讨论 19 PAGE


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