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七年级下人教版英语Unit 12课时练习(1a-2b) 一、单项选择题: 1.In order to find ____ better job, she planned to learn _____ second foreign language. A. the; a B. a; a C. the ; the D. a; the 2.he young father was so angry that he shouted ___ his son in the room. A. at B. to C. for D. with 3.Don’t _____so often. It’s bad for your health. A. get up B. stay up C. look up D. come up 4.Linda has bought a large house _____ a swimming pool. A. with B. in C. on D. from 5.Maria works as a tour guide. _____ interesting job she has! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 6.The accident happened ____ a cold winter early morning. A. in B. at C. on D. for 7.Mr Wang didn’t ____ to see a new film last night. A. went B. go C. goes D. gone 8.They had a meeting ____ the morning of May the fifth. A .in B. on C. at D. of 9.She is practicing _____ English in her room. A. read B .to read C. reading D. reads 10._____you _____ TV last night? A. Do, watch B. Did ,watch C. Did ,watched 二、词汇运用: 1.He sat on the beach and _______________ (listen) to music. 2.He spent two yuan ______________(buy ) a book. 3.—How ___________ you ,Tina? —I’m fine. But yesterday I ___________ill .(be) 4.—What did you do yesterday afternoon? — I _____________(visit) my grandma. 5.He often helps his mother do some______________(wash) on Sunday. 6.He practices _________(play) the piano every day. 7.Lucy ______ her homework every night. But she ________some reading last night.(do) 8.I like _______ basketball very much. But last weekend I _____ computer game at home.(play) 9.Julia likes ______ TV very much, and yesterday she__________ a football match.(watch)10.Her father ___________(work) now. Last year he __________(work) in Sichuan. 三、句型转换: 1.我害怕极了,不敢动 I was so I couldn’t . 2.那只猫迅速逃跑了 The cat quickly . 3.上周末你干过有趣的事吗? Did you do last weekend ? 4. 第二天早上, 我姐姐和我大吃一惊。 The next morning , my sister and I



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