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PAGE8 / NUMPAGES34 Unit1中考真题演练 单项选择 1、(昆明中考)—It’s smoggy these days. That’s terrible! —Yes. I hope to plant trees. ______ trees, ______ air pollution. A 、The more; the fewer B. The less; the more C. The less; the fewer D. The more; the less 2、(西宁中考)—______ the heavy rain, we didn’t go camping yesterday. —What a pity! A. Because that B. Because of C. Instead of D. As for 3、(海南中考)—How is Nancy getting on with her lessons? —She won’t catch up with others ________ she studies harder. A. after B. unless C. as soon as 4、(新疆中考)I find _______ hard to learn English well. A. this B. it C. that D. they 5、(杭州中考)This morning I _______ some new restaurants on the Internet for I want to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday. A. picked up B. looked up C. cleaned up D. gave up 6、(呼和浩特中考)When you visit a museum you should _______ the instructions and don’t be against them. A. compared with B. look forward to C. pay attention to D. try out 7、(铜仁中考)The story book is very _________, I’m very ________ in it. A. interesting, interested B.interested, interesting C. interest, interested D.interesting, interest Unit1中考真题演练 参考答案及解析 1、 D more意为“更多的”,可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;fewer意为“更少的”,修饰可数名词复数;less意为“更少的”,修饰不可数名词。trees是可数名词复数,不能用less修饰,故排除B、C两项;pollution是不可数名词,不能用fewer修饰,故选D。 2、 B 考查介词短语辨析。because of意为“因为”;instead of意为“代替,而不是”;as for意为“至于”。句意为“因为大雨,我们昨天没有去野营”。 3、 B 句意:——南西功课学得怎样?——如果她不努力学习她就赶不上其它同学。A. after在……之后,表示时间;B. unless如果不,除非,表示条件;C. as soon as一……就……,表示时间。努力学习是跟上其它同学的条件,故选B。 4. B 考查代词的用法。“find + it(作形式宾语)+形容词(作宾语补足语)+ to do sth.(真正的宾语)”是固定结构。 5、B 考查动词短语辨析。pick up意为“捡起”;look up意为“查找”;clean up意为“打扫”;give up意为“放弃”。句意为“今天上午,我在网上查找了一些新餐厅,因为我想去一家好的餐厅给Mia过生日”。 6、C 考查动词短语辨析。compare with和……比较;look forward to期待;pay attention to注意;try out尝试。句意为“当你参观博物馆的时候,你应该注意看须知并且不要违反了它们”。 7、A 句意:这本故事书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣。interest n.兴趣,爱好。它的形容词有两种形式,加-ing变成interesting有趣的,引起兴趣的,一般主语是物;加-ed变成 interested,感兴趣的,主语只能


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