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人教版九年级英语各单元主题思维导图(1—10单元) 单元整体话题篇 tea, kite, chopstick, toy car, basketball shoes, handbag, fork, mobile phone, scissors, ring, coin, shirt, blouse, gloves plant, leaves, paper, cotton, silk, bamboo, plastic, wood, gold, silver, glass, steel sky lanterns, paper cutting, Chinese clay art How is tea produced? Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. What’s the model plane made of? Its made of used wood and glass. The common things are turned into objects of beauty. Things in China Products Materials Traditional art forms Structures Unit6 When was it invented? 初中英语人教版九年级全一册 单元主题思维导图 阅读篇-SectionB 2b more than 100 million people; over 200 countries Popularity History Game Famous games Two teams Get the ball in the other teams basket Everywhere arks. schools. factories For fun and exercise over 100 years old December 21. 1891 1936 in berlin James Naismith 单元整体话题篇 telephone, television, car, personal computer, shoes with special heels, shoes with lights, hot ice-cream scoop, tea, potato chips, basketball, etc. A: When was the zipper invented? B: It was invented in 1893. A: Who was it invented by? B: It was invented by Whitcomb Judson. A: What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for? B: Its used for serving really cold ice-cream. The telephone was invented(by Alexander Graham Bell)in 1876. seeing in the dark, serving really cold ice-cream, change the style of the shoes, for fun and exercise, etc. 1876,1885,1927,1971,1893, about 5,000 years ago, 1853, Over 100 years ago, etc. Inventions What Structures Use When who Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 初中英语人教版九年级全一册 单元主题思维导图 Different ideas about Liu Yus hobby. 1. Their sons hobby can get in the way of his schoolwork. 2. They have nothing against running, only worrying about his schoolwork. 3. Their son needs to think about other possible jobs. 4. Their son needs to think about what will happen if he doesnt end up as a professional runner. 5. Their son should study hard. spend more time on his ho


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