BSEN 1097-8:2020-TC(清晰版完整版).pdf

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BS Standards Publi(tiOn properties of aggregates bsi. TRACKED CHANGES IMPORTANT-PLEASE NOTE —— indicates added text (in green) Text example 1 Textexample-2 — indicates removed text (in red) — indicates added graphic figure or table — indicates removed graphic figure or table About Tracked Changes BS EN 1097-8,which compares BS EN 1097-8:2020 with BS EN 1097-8:2009. document, should be considered the version of record for this publication. ⑥ The British Standards Institution 2020 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2020 ISBN 978 0539 14950 0 Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Text ffected BS EN 1097-8:2020-Tracked Changes National foreword Committee B/502/6, Test methods. obtained on request to its secretary. application. ICS 91.100.15 from legal obligations. 3-August-200930 April 2020. DateComments DateText affected EN1097-8 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM Huly-2009April2020 ICS 91.100.15 English Version Essais pour determiner les caractéristiques mecaniques et physiques des granulats-Partie 8:Determination du coefficient de polissage acceleré or to any CEN member. Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. Switzerland, Turlkey and United Kingdom. Car EUROPEAN COMMTTE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITEE UR O PEEN DE N ORMA LI SATIO N EUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUN G 衡答




