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2021年全国甲卷高考真题阅读、完形熟词生义 熟词生义的梳理: 第一部分 完形填空 熟词生义:work 原句:His letter 20 Banned from the hotel since 2001, Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said. 20. A. arrived B. worked C. ended D. disappeared 在此句的含义:奏效;产生预期的结果 原义:做体力(或脑力)工作;干活 请写出句中含义,并区分用法: 1) I can’t work if I am cold. _____________ 2) Both my parents work. _____________ 3) She dedicated her life to working for peace. _____________ 4) The phone isn’t working. _____________ 第二部分 阅读理解 A 熟词生义:entry 原句:Each year, the high standard of entries has shown that the Awards are the perfect platform to showcase the very best photography of the British landscape. 在此句的含义:参赛作品 原义:进入 请写出句中含义,并区分用法: 1)Entry to the museum is free. _____________ 2)The closing date for entries is 31 March. _____________ 3)Entry is open to anyone over the age of 18. _____________ 熟词生义:set 原句:I came across a small clearing and immediately noticed the dead yellow grasses set against the fresh snow. 在此句的含义:使处于某种状态 原义:放置;开始 请写出句中含义,并区分用法: 1)She set a tray down on the table. ______________ 2)He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion. ______________ 3)The novel is set in London in the 1960s. ______________ 4)This could set a new fashion. ______________ 5)They haven’t set a date for their wedding yet. ______________ B 熟词生义:run 原句:Port Lympne Reserve, which runs a breeding(繁育)programme, has welcomed the arrival of a rare black rhino calf(犀牛幼崽). 在此句的含义:经营 原义:跑 请写出句中含义,并区分用法: 1) Can you run as fast as Mike? _____________ 2) The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather. _____________ 3) He has no idea how to run a business. _____________ 4) Stan had the chainsaw running. _____________ 5) Buses to Oxford run every half-hour. _____________ 6) Shall I run you home? _____________ 熟词生义:dro



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