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5G to witness faster steps forward 我国已建成5G基站近160万个 With nearly 1.6 million 5G base stations, China now owns the largest 5G network worldwide, said the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Tuesday. Zhang Yunming, vice-minister of the ministry, said China has the worlds largest mobile broadband and optical fiber network, and the network quality has reached or even surpassed the levels of developed countries.? 5月17日,工信部副部长张云明在2022年世界电信和信息社会日大会上表示,目前我国建成5G基站近160万个,已建成全球规模最大的移动宽带和光纤网络,网络质量达到甚至优于世界发达国家水平。 Zhang said 5G has been applied to a wide range of sectors including transportation, medical care, education, culture and tourism, and the industrial internet has been applied in 45 categories of the national economy. The remarks were made at a forum held to celebrate World Telecommunications Day, which was Tuesday. 目前5G应用涵盖交通、医疗、教育、文旅等诸多生活领域。工业互联网已应用于45个国民经济大类。这番话是在星期二庆祝世界电信日的论坛上发表的。 重点词汇: 1、worldwide 英?/?w??ld?wa?d/ 美?/?w??rld?wa?d/ adj. 世界范围的,全世界的;adv. 在世界各地,遍及全球地 2、quality 英?/?kw?l?ti/? 美?/?kwɑ?l?ti/ n. 质量,品质 3、tourism 英?/?t??r?z?m/ 美?/?t?r?z?m/?? n. 旅游业,观光业 听双语新闻-填词 5G to witness faster steps forward With nearly 1.6 million 5G base stations, China now owns the largest 5G network worldwide, said the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Tuesday. Zhang Yunming, vice-minister of the ministry, said China has the world’s largest mobile broadband and optical fiber network, and the network 1 has reached or even surpassed the levels of developed countries. Zhang said 5G has been applied to a wide range of sectors including 2 , medical care, education, culture and tourism, and the industrial internet has been applied in 45 categories of the national economy. The remarks were made at a forum held to 3 World Telecommunications Day, which was Tuesday. 听双语新闻-语法填空 5G to witness faster steps forward With nearly 1.6 million 5G base stations, China now 1 (own) the largest 5G network worldwide, said the Ministry o



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