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全国优质模拟题语法填空精选 (第1-2篇+解析) 第1篇 (2021·黑龙江·大庆中学高三月考)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Governments around the world may create “vaccine(疫苗)passports” to help open up societies. The passport would be a record of the holder?1.(get)the COVID-19 vaccine. It could be downloaded on a smartphone or it could be added to the microchip in identity?2.(card). Businesses such as restaurants and theatres might require people to show their passport before they enter. People may also need one?3.(enter)some places to watch sporting events. Supporters of the passports say it would also allow people to travel overseas more?4.(easy). The World Health Organization is looking at a possible international plan,?5.?would require countries to agree on what kind of passport is necessary. People who are?6.?vaccine passports say they are unfair and could create inequality in society. Many people do not want?7.?vaccine. Some people say it goes against their religion. Other people do not trust the vaccine and say it 8.(test)enough and is therefore unsafe. Some people worry about the?9.(secure)of their health data. These people may not be able to go to restaurants or get on airplanes. In addition, the vaccine is not?10.(avail)to everyone in the world. A professor said, “For many low-income countries, most people wont be vaccinated for many years.” 第2篇 (2021·浙江·余姚中学高三月考)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。 Traveling to foreign countries?1.?(consider) exciting and educational. Not only can you pick up new languages and have a taste?2.?local cuisine, but you can get to admire some of the world’s most beautiful art and architecture. Since the coronavirus pandemic?3.?(go) viral, traveling has become quite difficult. Very early in the first lockdown, museums, theatres, and zoos started hosting virtual tours, 4.?(bring) the exhibits and performances into peopled living rooms through their high-speed internet connections. According to Forbes, Google?5.?(search) for the term virtual tour reached 1,300 in Februa



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