7A 期末易错题分析和总结.docx

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. . . . 7A 期末易错题整理 班级 姓名 Running in the morning is good for our (health). The students need (have) something for breakfast before they go to school . It’s easy for a dancer (get) tired after dancing for 2 hours. We want 4 (piece) of bread ,please. How many It’s seven. The Smiths (boy) students are there in the Reading Club? (clean) the house. She thinks she makes us (wait) for a long time. She often (carry) the changes(零钱) in her pocket. Is the yellow blouse (make) of cotton? Don’t eat too many snacks because there is too much (糖分). How (happy) he looks! This song is p with young people at the moment. Is the supermarket closed or o at this time of the day? That bag is q cheap and I ‘ll take it. I think this book is very b so I don’t want to read it any more. Tom looks smart and m . Hamburgers are (child) favourite kind of food. Tom, (come) with me,please. We should have some fruit and v every day. She wants to do more exercise (保持健康). It’s easy for a dancer (变累) after dancing for two hours. 那件外套会花费我们 200 元。That coat will 200 yuan./ We will 200 yuan on the coat./We will 200 yuan for that coat. 他跑得不够快。He doesn’t run . 想来点吃的东西吗? Would you like ? 这领带很配你的衬衫。 The tie your shirt . 你知道她有多大了? Do you know ___ ____ ____? 那孩子不够强壮,搬不动这么多的书。 The boy isn’t carry so many books. Sandy 看起来多漂亮啊! Sandy is!/ a Sandy is! 我们计划为贫穷孩子们捐钱。We plan money for poor children. 这对双胞胎上学从不迟到。 The twins are school. 爸爸让我不要花太多零花钱。 Dad asks me too much pocket money. James often has an apple in the afternoon. (改为否定句) James has an apple in the afternoon. My sister plays the piano for one hour in the evening. your sister play the piano in the evening? 我必须先完成家庭作业吗?不,不必。 finish my homework ? No, you . You mustn’t turn on the TV. (改为祈使句) Unit 4 根据首字母提示填写单词,使句子完整、通顺 It is good to eat fruit and v . I’d like to have a b of rice. The moon is r tonight. Don’t wash silk dresses in hot w . Be c with your diet. Don’t eat too much salt or sugar. ----What


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