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序言 肖松博士 西门子全球执行副总裁 西门子大中华区总裁兼首席执行官 西门子中国董事长、总裁兼首席执行官 气候变化是人类社会面临的共同挑战,正日益威胁人类生存和发展。中国经济在过去几十年中 一直保持着高速增长,而应对气候变化业已成为中国可持续发展的内在需求。中国政府在 2020 年明确提出了力争于2030 年碳达峰、2060 年碳中和的战略目标;同时,也面临着能源 结构不尽合理,单位GDP 能耗较高等一系列重大现实挑战,使得实现双碳目标的任务紧迫而艰 巨。 西门子作为全球率先宣布碳中和目标的大型科技企业之一,凭借深厚的技术积累和创新,致力 于科学的、系统的“双碳”顶层设计,通过提供先进的能源和数字化解决方案,助力各行各业深 度和加速减碳。 ______________ 林斌 西门子(中国)有限公司执行副总裁 西门子大中华区智能基础设施集团总经理 在中国,各类产业园区是中国经济的核心力量,也是各类能源的集中消费者,如何实现园区的 低碳、零碳,将成为我国“双碳”战略的核心议题之一。 此白皮书陈述了西门子对智慧园区在碳中和、数字化方面的理解,总结分析了零碳智慧园区的 定义和架构,各类园区的核心痛点和切入点,以及软硬结合的解决方案,同时也分享了西门子 在该领域的实践,希望能给零碳绿色发展相关领域的读者提供有价值的参考。 ______________ 2 Summary Climate change is a common challenge faced by human society and is increasingly threatening human survival and development. Chinas economy has maintained rapid growth in the past few decades and addressing climate change has become an inherent need for Chinas sustainable development. In 2020, the Chinese government clearly put forward the strategic goal of reaching carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060; at the same time, China also faces a series of major practical challenges such as unreasonable energy structure and high energy consumption per unit of GDP, making the realization of the “dual carbon” goal urgent and daunting. As one of the worlds first large-scale technology companies to announce the goal of carbon neutrality, Siemens is committed to the scientific and systematic two-carbon top-level design by virtue of its profound technological accumulation and innovation. By providing advanced energy and digital solutions, we could help all industries to deepen and accelerate carbon emissions reduction. In China, various industrial campuses are the core strength of Chinas economy and the co


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