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UNIT 2 Let’s talk teens;Welcome to the unit;1. What can you see in the picture on Page 15? 2. Can you see your mother in the picture? 3. How many parts can you divide the poem into? 4. What is the main idea of each part? ;The poem consists of three parts. Part 1 from Line 1 to Line 4 is about how the mother bird brings her chick up when it is young; Part 2 from Line 5 to Line 8 describes the mother bird feels worried about her chick leaving her after it grows up; Part 3 from Line 9 to Line 11 shows the mother bird will let her chick live independently despite her concern and reluctance.;Let’s read aloud this poem again. While reading, try to pay attention to its rhythm and rhyme.;Can you think of any Chinese poems about parents’ love for their children?;1. How do you think your parents feel about you? 2. How can you tell?;How do you feel about your parents? Give one example.;Could you translate Bing Xin’s quote back to Chinese?;Reading;1. What physical and mental changes do you experience as you become a teenager? 2. What do you think the title means?;Para.1: Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents. Para.2: Teenagers’ physical changes may result in such family tensions. Para.3: It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too. Para.4: Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can take action to improve the situation. Para.5: Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.;A1, Page 18;A2, Page 18;A3 (2-3) on Page 18;A3 (2-3) on page 18;Can you discuss and fill in the blanks of the following table about teenagers’ mental needs?;Situations;Solutions ;Solutions ;Key;Discuss and answer: 1. What is the author’s atti



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