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21年秋季国开、电大《人文英语三》课程边学边练答案 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z Unit 1 Parenting Children 3 Guidance 3 Listening and Speaking 1 3 Listening and Speaking 2 3 Reading 1 3 Reading 2 4 Unit 2 Elderly Care 5 Listening and Speaking 1 5 stening and Speaking 2 5 Reading 1 6 Reading 2 6 Writing 7 BUnit 3 Community Security 8 Guidance 8 Listening and Speaking 1 8 Listening and Speaking 2 8 Reading 1 9 Reading 2 10 Writing 11 Unit 4 Crime Prevention 12 Guidance 12 Listening and Speaking 1 12 Listening and Speaking 2 13 Reading 1 13 Reading 2 15 Writing 17 Unit 5 Giving a Speech 17 Listening and Speaking 1 17 Listening and Speaking 2 18 Reading 1 19 Reading 2 20 Writing 21 Unit 6 Language Learning 22 Guidance 22 Listening and Speaking 1 22 Listening and Speaking 2 22 Reading 1 23 Reading 2 24 Writing 25 Unit 7 Modern Educational Technology 27 Guidance 27 Listening and Speaking 1 27 Listening and Speaking 2 28 Reading 1 28 Reading 2 30 Writing 31 Unit 8 Lifelong Learning 31 Guidance 31 Listening and Speaking 1 31 Listening and Speaking 2 32 Reading 1 32 Reading 2 34 Writing 35 Unit 1 Parenting Children Guidance Listening and Speaking 1 理解细节,判断准确信息,Mary的有利条件是什么 选择一项或多项: She has less experience with kids. Her mother did a lot to help her take care of the children. She is satisfied with her four-year marriage. She takes care of her children all the time. Now she has a new job and works hard. She loves her kids, but she regrets having babies so early. She has two children. 正确答案是:She has two children. , She loves her kids, but she regrets having babies so early. , She takes care of her children all the time. , She is satisfied with her four-year marriage. Listening and Speaking 2 Mary: Our son has 正确答案是:picked up some bad habits. Tom: Although Tony is a young child, he has the ability to 正确答案是:learn and reason. Mary: Sometimes he even asked me to do some 正确答案是:unreasonable things. Tom: Tom suggests that they treat Tony with patience, 正确答案


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