2018年初中英语新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册期末模拟试卷(8).pdfVIP

2018年初中英语新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册期末模拟试卷(8).pdf

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2018 年初中英语新目标(Go for it )版八年级下 册期末模拟试卷(8 ) 一、单选题 1. I saw Frank and his classmates the classroom when I passed . A . clean B . build C . building D . cleaning 2. Mike his father and they both have big eyes and a round face . A . looks after B . takes after C . cheers up D . dresses up 3. —Have you ever an art museum? 一 Yes .I the outdoor art museum in Shanghai on Feb. 7th .2017 . A . been to ;have gone to B . gone to ;have gone to C . gone to ;went to D . been to ;went to 4. I have started the work .so I cant tell you anything about it . A . just B . ever C . yet D . already 5. 一 Fred was late for work yesterday . 一 Its !Hes always on time . A . possible B . unusual C . clear D . traditional 6. 一 May I you that Mr .White is waiting outside , Mrs .Green? —Oh, thats right .I forgot about it . A . believe B . cheat C . encourage D . remin 7. 一 Bob ,what did the weather report say just now? 一 Sorry, Dad. I didnt hear ,because I on the phone . A . am talking B . would talk C . talk D . was talking 8. Morn ,I cleaning my room .Can I watch the womens curling match of the 2017 Asian Winter Games(2017 年亚洲冬 季运动套女子冰壶比赛)now? A . finish B . am finishing C . have finished D . will fairish 9. When the girl found the dog was friendly, she moved closer to it and touched it . A . very B . quite C . much too D . a little 10. Of all the students in Class 3 ,Sarah came to school this morning . A . early B . earlier C . earliest D . the earlier 11. This is a young team with strong fighting . Im sure it will win the game . A . spirit B . stress C . kindness D . meaning 12. Jane ,you look tried .You stop to have a rest . A . should B . shouldnt C . would D . wouldn t 13. Lisa cleaned the room her friend from America . A . welcome B . to welcome C . to welcoming D . welcomed 14. The government is planning to bui


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