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利弊型作文 写作技巧 高中英语利弊型全文共24页,当前为第1页。 针对中学生课外上网的利弊, 写一篇英语短文。内容包括: 使用互联网的益处 1.资源丰富 2.节省时间 3.方便交流和沟通 使用互联网的弊端 1.内容良莠兼有 2.沉迷网络游戏会影响学习。3.过多使用会影响健康。 注意:1文章的开头以为你写好.2词数:100左右. With the development of computer technology, the internet has become more and more popular. Is the internet good or bad for students? 高中英语利弊型全文共24页,当前为第2页。 要点突破: 1.体裁 议论文,调查报告并呼吁正确使用. 一般现在时(the third person objective essay) 2.三部分: introduction--提出问题 ; discussion--正反观点展开讨论; conclusion--总结—正确使用. 范文展示: 高中英语利弊型全文共24页,当前为第3页。 With the development of computer technology,the internet has become more and more popular. Is the internet good or bad for students? Many students are against the internet because they believe that the internet does harm to people. Firstly, the information on the internet is not always suitable/good for children. Secondly, it is bad for one’s health if one uses the internet too much. What’s more, if they spend too much time playing internet games, it will greatly affect their studies. 高中英语利弊型全文共24页,当前为第4页。 However , other students think that it is good for them to use the internet. On the one hand, the internet is known as the source of knowledge, which can broaden people’s horizons. On the other hand, it can save a lot of time to search for the information. Besides, communication becomes more and more convenient with the help of the internet. 高中英语利弊型全文共24页,当前为第5页。 说明利弊型论说文的常用句型 ? ●说明事物优点的常用句式 1.There are several advantages in/of…The first/biggest advantage is that… 有几方面的优点,第一个/最大的优点是…… 2.Nothing/Few things can equal/match with/be compared with…in terms of… 在……方面,(几乎)没有什么东西可以和……相媲美。 3.For all/In spite of/Despite the disadvantages/side effects, it has its compensating advantages/beneficial effects.尽管存在一些缺点/负面影响,但它并非一无是处。 高中英语利弊型全文共24页,当前为第6页。 4. … has a positive impact/influence/effect on people’s lives. ……对人们的生活起到一种积极的作用。 5. … is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives. ……在人们的生活中起着越


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