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1). The output of coal this year is twice as much as that of last year. 2). The students in this class are more active than those in that one. 3). A bridge made of steel is stronger than one made of stones. 4). Small bananas usually taste better than bigger ones. 高中英语句型归纳全文共64页,当前为第64页。 33. not/ never ……. until?? 直到…..才 ?1). The villagers didn’t realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river. ?= It was not until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was. (强调句) ?= Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.(倒装) 高中英语句型归纳全文共64页,当前为第32页。 34. not only….. but (also)….. [1]? 引导并列结构:主语时,谓语动词与邻近的一个主语保持一致。 ?1). Not only the teacher but also the students have their eyes examined regularly. Not only the students but also the teacher has his eyes examined regularly. ?2). They suggested we should not only attend the party, but give a performance. ???? They suggested we should give a performance as well as attend the party 高中英语句型归纳全文共64页,当前为第33页。 [2]? not only….. but (also)…..引导并列句时,not only引导的部分置于句首时要部分倒装 ?1). Not only was everything he had taken away, but also his German citizenship was taken away. ?2). Not only should we students study hard, but also we should know how to enjoy ourselves in our spare time. 高中英语句型归纳全文共64页,当前为第34页。 35. prefer to do A rather than do B…(两者相比)愿意干A而不愿意干B ?? == would rather do A than do B ?1). I prefer to stay at home rather than go to the park in such weather. ?2). Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefer to ride a bicycle. 高中英语句型归纳全文共64页,当前为第35页。 36. would rather +从句(从句要用虚拟语气,即从句中谓语动词用一般过去式,表示现在或将来的愿望;从句中谓语动词用过去完成时,表示对过去的愿望) ? 1). I’d rather you posted the letter right now. 我想让你现在就把信寄出去。 2). ---A friend of yours will come to see you today. 你的一位朋友今天要来看你。 ???? --- I’d rather he came here tomorrow. 我倒情愿他明天来。 ? 3). I’d rather you were not a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time together. 我倒情愿你不是什么


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