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* * Inversion 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第1页。 正常语序的五种基本句型是什么? 1.主谓结构: An accident happened there yesterday. 2.主谓宾结构: He is reading a book attentively. 3.主谓+直宾+间接宾语: He made me a model plane. 4.主谓宾+宾补结构: He made himself understood by us all. 5.主系表结构: Everyone is present at the meeting. 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第2页。 1. 用于“here, there, now, then, out in, up down, away ,off,+ 不及物 动词 + 主语为名词的句型中, 表示强调。 Here comes the bus. There goes the bell. Now comes our turn. Out went the children. 名词 全倒装: 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第3页。 注意: 代词作主语时, 主谓语序不变。 Here comes he. × Here he comes. Away went they. ×     Away they went. 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第4页。 Down came her excited tears when she learned of the exciting news. Away ____(fly) the frightened bird. Out rushed the puppy. 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第5页。 2. 当介词短语表示地点状语放于句首时, 主语为名词时也全部倒装。 From the valley came a frightening sound. Under the tree sits a little boy, absorbed ___ his phone. South of the city _____(lie) a big steel factory Before me stands a policeman wearing a fascinating smile. At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_____, one of the ten largest cities in China. A Chongqing lies B lies Chongqing C does Chongqing lie 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第6页。 Here comes the bus. Here is coming the bus. On the wall hangs a picture. On the wall is hanging a picture. × × 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第7页。 3. 表语置于句首时, 倒装采用“表语+连系动词+主语”的结构 形容词+连系动词+主语  Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests. 2) 过去/现在分词+连系动词+主语 Gone ___the days ___they could do what they liked. Hanging on the wall ____a painting ___ a distinguished painter. Attached to the letter ____ two recent photos of him. 3) 介词+连系动词+主语 Among the goods ____a Christmas tree , flowers, candles and toys. 高中英语倒装句ppt全文共23页,当前为第8页。 链接高考 1) ____ a letter for you. There are B. Is here C. Here is D. Is there 2) ____ a big paper-making factory by the lake. There sta


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