剑桥国际少儿英语全套our world review5678 Book 2.ppt

剑桥国际少儿英语全套our world review5678 Book 2.ppt

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Warmer 1 Songs competition. Presentation Presentation Presentation Practice 1 Match the text. Production Homework 将今天学习的有关澳大利亚的知识介绍给 爸爸妈妈听。 Warmer Presentation Color the pitures. Cut out the pictures. Write about your city. Make a poster. Practice Production Listen and complete. Chant. Homework 把5-8单元中最喜欢的主题、活动、歌曲、歌谣、绕口令、故事说给爸爸妈妈听。 * 剑桥国际少儿英语 (第2册) Lesson 1, Our world Review 5 6 7 8 2 Words competition. 3 A touching game. Say something about Canada. What do you know about Australia? 1.Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Picture1:What is the use of the plane? Can you guess? Picture2:What’s the boy doing? Picture3:What are the dogs doing? Picture4:What can you see? Picture5:Is it in a city? 1.Listen and answer the questions. What’s the boy’s name? How old is he? What animals has he got on his farm? Are their dogs pets? Why? Where is Todd having lessons? Is there a hospital near Todd’s house? How can he see a doctor? 2 Play a game:Good memory. Let’s make a poster. Australia 剑桥国际少儿英语 (第2册) Lesson 2, Our world Review 5 6 7 8 Let’s play a guessing game. Let’s act out the stories. Let’s make a city. Show your poster. *


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