Unit1-Unit10单元主题思维导图 课件 人教版英语八年级下册.pptx

Unit1-Unit10单元主题思维导图 课件 人教版英语八年级下册.pptx

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初中英语人教版八年级下单元主题思维导图Unit1 What’s the matter?对话篇—SectionA 2d人教8上U2Mandy:…are you OK?Lisa:take…temperaturecan’t movehave a headacheMandy:…doesn’t sound…have a feverLisa:play computer gamesTalk about health problems and accidentsMandy:take breaks away formLisa:in the same waywithout movingMandy:go to a doctorlie down and restLisa:OK. Thanks, Mandy.阅读篇 SectionB-2bHe is used to taking risks and almost _____________many times because of climbing accidents.lost his lifeAron’s love for mountain climbingWhen: On April 26, 2003Where: ________UtahHe Lost HisArm But Is Still ClimbingWho: Aron RalstonA serious accidentAron’s armWhat: ____________ was caught under a heavy rock.cutHow to save himself: He _______ half his right arm.In the book, he tells of the importance of ___________________and of being in control of one’s life.A book Aron wrote after the serious accidentmaking gooddecisions表示征询意见和提出建议Should I put the bag here?表示推测He should be in the library.Should的用法1表示义务或责任We should study hard.表示惊讶、难以置信等情绪,常用于疑问或感叹句中情态动词should的用法Why should he do that?主语+should+V原+其他肯定句I should help her because she is in trouble. 主语+should+not+V原+其他否定句You shouldn’t go out alone at night.句式结构2一般疑问句Should+主语+V原+其他?Should I open the door?特殊疑问句When should we go?特殊疑问词+should+主语+V原+其他?语法篇-情态动词can表示邀请第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数myselfyourselfitself / himself / herselfyourselvesourselvesthemselves构成1We must look after ourselves very well.反身代词作宾语The old man lives by himself in the countryside.作同位语I spoke to the manager himself.用法2作表语I’m not myself today. 今天我感觉不舒服。enjoy oneself(all) by oneself含有反身代词的一些固定短语help oneself to…dress oneselflose oneself inteach oneself单元整体话题篇A: Whats the matter?B:I have a stomachache.A:You shouldnt eat so much next time.B: What should I do?A: You should go to a doctor.Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, heart, knee, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, throat, toothStructuresBody partsHealth and first aidAdvice and treatmentHealth problems and injurieslie down and rest drink some hot tea wit


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