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Word文档,下载后可任意编辑 PAGE 1 研究生英语期末考试考后总结 20xx-20xx学年第1学期 英语精读 1.阅读 简答 2.词汇 文章中10个单词的英语含义,汉语意思。 文章为Unit Six Text: Two Truths to Live By 3.翻译 (1)英译汉 下册Unit Three 课后翻译A 上册Unit Four Text课文第7段 (2)汉译英 上册Unit Five 课后翻译B第6个 下册Unit Three 课后翻译B第6个 4.作文 奥运口号 更高,更快,更强。拉丁文与英文三个词,那组更好? 听力课本Unit 11 Part Ⅱ 口语部分 Exercise 3 问题1 英语听力 1.Unit 14 Part Ⅰ Section A Exercise 1 无选项,挺直写句子。 2.Unit 15 Part Ⅰ Section B Exercise 1 3.Unit 04 Part Ⅰ Section A Exercise 1 4.Unit 12 Part Ⅲ Talk One 5.VOA 圣诞节 20xx-20xx学年第2学期 英语精读 1.阅读 Unit Eleven Exercise A选择题 2.词汇 文章中10个单词的英语含义,汉语意思。 文章为Unit Eleven Text: In Search of the Real Google 3.翻译 (1)英译汉 Unit Eleven课文第12段后半段 Heres how the system works. If youre a company selling sneakers, you can bid to have a link to your website appear in the sponsored area whenever someone does a Google search for, say, tennis or Michael Jordan or sneakers or all of those and more. How prominently your ad will be displayed depends on how much you bid and how many people click on your ad. That means you can’t just buy your way to the top;your link also has to appeal to users. You pay Google for every click you receive. 第14段后半段(删减了一句话) The free food and laundry and the heavily subsidized massages and haircuts all help, but there also has to be enough creative work to go around. Google came up with a formula to help ensure this. The San Francisco wi-fi initiative resulted from someones 10% time;so did Google Talk, a free system for instant and voice messaging. If Google ever builds that space elevator, it will no doubt be during 10% time. (2)汉译英 下册Unit Four 课后翻译B第6个 下册Unit Six 课后翻译B第6个 4.作文 比较中美不同的训练制度,你认为孰优孰劣? 听力课本Unit 23 Part Ⅱ 口语部分 Exercise 1 问题1 英语听力 1.Unit 26 Part Ⅲ Passage One无选项,挺直写句子。 Unit 29 Part Ⅲ Talk Two 2. Unit 27 Part Ⅰ Section C Exercise 1


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