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短篇精选英语爆笑笑话 100 篇 、 There was a blonde that was so sick of blonde jokes she died her hair re d. The jokes stopped and she felt so good, she took a ride in the country one Saturday afternoon. While on this ride, she noticed a flock of sheep and stopped the car to taken. 、 There is this guy and this girl and they want to have sex. So they go to the girls house and before entering the girl stops the guy and says.My l ittle sister sleeps on the bottom bunk of our bunk bed and I do not want her to know what we are doing, so when I say `baloney` it means push h arder, and when I say `pastrami` it means push slower. 3、 1.What the fuck is going on?(到底他妈的怎么回事?) 通常此话 出于黑人之口,且口气最宜为疑惑,不解,愤怒等等。 若是白人则多数时候会说 -What the hell is going on? 意义相同而适用于更多场合。 说此话之人身份通常为上级,且相处较久。 不过如果你出差回家时看见老婆身边躺着个赤条条的陌生人,那它可就派上大用场 了! 2.You son of bitch! (你个狗娘养的!) 令人意外的是,最爱说这句话的往往是女性。 ...... 、 There is a little boy and a little girl in the woods. The littlegirl asked t he boy, What is a penis?The boy replied, I don`t know. At that ti me he hears his momcalling him for lunch. He goes home and eats his lu nch. Then he. 、 Doctor, I have an ear ache.2000 - Here, eat this root. 1000 - That root is heathen, say this prayer.1850 - That prayer is superstition, dri nk this potion. 1940 - That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill. 19 85 - That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic. 、 There is a little boy and a little girl in the woods. The littlegirl asked th e boy, What is a penis?The boy replied, I don`t know. At that tim e he hears his momcalling him for lunch. He goes home and eats his lunc h. Then he. 、 There is this guy and this girl and they want to have sex. So they go to th e girls house and before entering the girl stops the guy and says.My litt le sister sleeps on the bottom bunk of our bunk bed and I do not want he r to know what we are doing, so when I say `baloney` it means push hard er, and when I say `pastrami` it means push slower. 、 A new guy in town walks into a bar and reads a sign th


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