2023年上海中考英语备考冲刺名校模拟题合集专题7 阅读理解2篇.docxVIP

2023年上海中考英语备考冲刺名校模拟题合集专题7 阅读理解2篇.docx

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2023上海中考英语冲刺名校模拟真题合集 专题07 阅读理解20篇 (2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案) Joan is a 14-year-old student in Newtown. All the students in her school are required to do some part-time jobs during their spare time so that they can get certain credit points (学分). Joan is preparing her CV (简历). Joan Jackson 123 Lucky lane, Newtown, Bk12YG joanjackson@ Tel: 07782 821236 I am a confident, well-organized student with a passion for animals. I am hoping to work par-time during the winter holiday: In the future, I aim to work as a vet. Skills Team work: I’m good at working with other people and working independently. Communication: I consider myself to be an excellent communicator. I am outgoing and easy to get along with. Relevant work experience Part-time dog-walking and pet-sitting, various employers (2018—present) This work requires excellent time management and a high level of responsibility. Voluntary work, Newtown Animal Rescue Centre (2019) The staff have been impressed by my ability to get on with all their animals. My Interests I am a keen photographer and I have taught myself digital photo editing skills. I am also a member of my school orchestra and I play the violin. My brother plays the piano. We often give performances at weekends. What job does Joan want to do in the future? A.A student. B.A vet. C.A volunteer. D.A photographer. 2.How long has Joan been doing part-time dog-walking and pet-sitting? A.For over 1 year. B.For several weekends. C.For over 3 years. D.For a whole winter holiday. 3.Which of the following is not Joan’s interest? A.Taking photos. B.Editing photos. C.Playing the violin. D.Playing the piano. 4.The underlined word “orchestra” in the material probably means “a group of people who ________ together”. A.play musical instruments B.sing songs C.look after animals D.do voluntary work 5.Which of the following about Joan is NOT TRUE? A.She is interested in looking after animals. B.She is good at managing time. C.She can get on we


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