2023年上海中考英语备考冲刺名校模拟题合集专题6 用所给单词的正确形式填空1题.docxVIP

2023年上海中考英语备考冲刺名校模拟题合集专题6 用所给单词的正确形式填空1题.docx

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2023上海中考英语逆袭冲刺 名校模拟真题特快专递 第一期 专题06 用所给单词的正确形式填空100题 1.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)In 1865 Mark Twain became famous because of his ________ short play. (one) 2.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)I never thought the island would ________ at such a quick speed. (appear) 3.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)My house on the corner is much bigger than ________ in the countryside. (he) 4.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)Grandfather picked up a block of wood, about 18 ________ long. (inch) 5.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)Please obey these rules and make the centre pleasant and ________ for everyone. (safety) 6.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He went on seven trips and helped the ________ of other countries. (develop) 7.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)It took a few ambulances to ________ the injured to the nearby hospital. (transportation) 8.(2022·上海浦东新·模拟预测)The kind guide ________ asked visitors to remove their shoes before entering the hall. (polite) 9.(2022·上海嘉定·模拟预测)On ___________ days, people prefer to go to the country park to relax themselves. (sun) 10.(2022·上海松江·二模)After ________ days at sea, they returned home. (twelfth) 11.(2022·上海青浦·二模)Smoking can ________ damage people’s health and cause lung cancer according to WHO. (serious) 12.(2022·上海松江·二模)In my opinion, universities ought to organize more ________ events. (society) 13.(2022·上海松江·二模)It’s ________ to see such a heavy snow in this warm place. (usual) 14.(2022·上海普陀·二模)It will be ________ before we get the final results. (month) 15.(2022·上海嘉定·模拟预测)Detective King tried his best to work out the __________ of the theft. (true) 16.(2022·上海松江·二模)Present Putin gave several ________ in public last month. (speech) 17.(2022·上海松江·二模)Chinese youth are confident and ________ about the future. (hope) 18.(2022·上海普陀·二模)Both of the boys had good manners. They shook their hands ________.??(polite) 19.(2022·上海嘉定·模拟预测)The tennis player refused to take part in the match because he thought the rules were __________. (fair) 20.(2022·上海嘉定·模拟预测)Joe has gone to Hangzhou on business and will stay there for about thre


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