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Chapter 2Quality Theory Chapter ObjectivesIntegrate theories and concepts from key thought leaders in quality management. Discuss differing ideas from quality management thought leaders to determine the best methods for managing quality.Discuss key quality improvement variables and how they combine to create a quality management system.Assess a quality management system using the theoretical framework for quality management. Copyright ? 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.2-2 What is Theory?Theory: “A coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena”Copyright ? 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.Random House Webster’s College Dictionary 2011.Figure 2-12-3 What is Theory?For a theory to be complete, it must have four elements:What – Involves what variables or factors are included in the modelHow – Involves the nature, direction, and extent of the relationship among the variablesWhy – The theoretical glue that holds the model together Who-Where-When – The aspects that place contextual boundaries on the theoryCopyright ? 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.Davis, J., Eisenhardt, K., and Bingham, C., “Developing Theory through Simulation Methods,” Academy of Management Review 32, 2(2007): 480–499.2-4 What is Theory?Theories are established in one of two ways:Induction – A theory generated by observation and descriptionDeduction – Researchers propose a model based on prior research, and design an experiment to test the theoretical modelCopyright ? 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.2-5 History of QualityCopyright ? 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.Table 2-12-6 W. Edwards DemingGained credibility because of his influence on Japanese and American industryBest known for his emphasis on the management of a system for qualityHis thinking was based on the use of statistics for continual improvement.He provided lectures on statistical quality control to the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers after World War II.The United States hired him when they realized



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