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读后续写主旨升华必背句 Only then did she realize the true meaning of smile: bring others warmth and company. 直到那时,她才意识到微笑的真正含义:带给别人温暖和陪伴。 From then on, whenever he is confronted with a terrible situation, he would encourage himself with the accident. 从那之后,每当遇到糟糕的情况,他总会用这次事故激励自己。 Sometimes, a few encouraging words are powerful enough to make a huge difference. 有时候,几句鼓励的话足以产生巨大的影响。 Now, whenever I meet a friend with a similar concern, I would convince him with my personal experience: It’s never too late to learn. People at all ages have the right to go for their dreams. 现在,每当我遇到一个有着同样顾虑的朋友,我就会用自己的亲身经历说服他:学习永远都不迟。任何年龄段的人都有权利去追寻自己的梦想。 Now, whenever I meet teachers with the same confusion, I will share my understanding of a successful educator: Equip students with knowledge while never forget to take care of their feelings. 现在,每当我遇到与当初的我有相同困惑的老师时,我就会与他们分享我对于“成功教育者”的理解:用知识武装学生,但永远不忘记照顾他们的感受。 Under no circumstances shall we forget to be thankful to other’s kindness, with whatever package. After all, it is love not what packs love that brings us true happiness. 无论何时我们都不能忘记要对他人的善意心怀感恩,不管这份善意被包装成什么样子。毕竟,带给我们快乐的是爱本身,而不是爱的外在形式。 Looking out of the window I was overwhelmed by a sense of respect for my mother as well as the determination to devote my own strength to helping others. 我望向窗外,内心里满是对妈妈的尊敬,同时我也下定决心要奉献自己的力量去帮助别人。 An idea flashed through me that it was really wrong to judge a person by his or her appearance. From the bottom of my heart surged my respect for the poor mother. What a good example she set for her children to follow. 我突然想到,以貌取人是不对的。我从心底里对那位贫穷的母亲产生了敬意,她为她的孩子们树立了多么好的榜样。 I could hardly wait to see my children enjoy the presents bought for them, including a special gift-love for those in need. 我迫不及待想见到我的孩子们高兴地收到我给他们买的礼物,而这些礼物中还包括一个特别礼物——那就是给那些有需要的人的爱! A community of individuals came together as one. It was the best Christmas gift our beautiful, remote valley could ask for. 一群个体汇聚成一个集体,这是我们美丽偏远的山谷所能得到的最好的圣诞礼物。 Helping others to realize their dreams gave me more pleasure. 帮助别人



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