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PAGE 2 从汽车领域知识图谱的构建 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 从汽车领域知识图谱的构建 1 1、研究背景和研究现状 1 1.1研究背景和意义 1 1.2研究现状 1 2、理论关键知识 3 2.1基于支持向量机的算法介绍 3 2.2基于决策树的指代消解 4 2.3基于依存分析的三元组抽取算法 5 3、核心实验内容 7 3.1 实验过程 7 3.2决策树结果分析 8 3.3三元组结果分析 8 3.4 汽车领域知识图谱系统的实现 9 4、项目总结 13 5、参考文献 14 6、文献翻译 15 摘要 当今社会信息产出端庞杂,信息的产出量巨大,面对如此庞大的数据量,人们如何才能够快速、准确的获取自己想要的信息,正是中国互联网所面临的难题。 谷歌在2012年提出了知识图谱的概念,知识图谱能够在语义层面挖掘出数据之间的关系,并且能够以一种新的组织方式存储和返回数据。知识图谱的出现改变了传统的以关键字为基础的有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站模式,知识图谱能够更好的描述数据。 知识图谱的技术构成主要有四个部分,爬虫爬取信息;数据存储模块存储数据;指代消解和三元组算法提取信息特征,处理数据;可视化界面处理显示数据。 通过知识图谱对汽车信息的处理,可以让庞杂的数据以一种简洁明了的方式展现出来,方便人们快速掌握重要信息,同时也方便人们收集更全的信息 本篇实验报告,先介绍了汽车领域知识图谱的研究背景和研究意义,之后介绍了本次实验使用的关键技术;最后分四个模块:爬虫爬取信息、数据存储、指代消解和三元组算法、可视化界面实现了系统的设计。 关键词:汽车知识图谱、决策树、指代消解、三元组、爬虫、数据库、可视化界面 Abstract The information output side of todays society is ponderous and the output of information is huge. Facing such a huge amount of data, how people can get the information they want quickly and accurately is exactly the challenge faced by the Internet in China. Google proposed the concept of Knowledge Graph in 2012, which can dig out the relationship between data at the semantic level and store and return data in a new organizational way. The emergence of the Knowledge Graph has changed the traditional keyword-based search model, and the Knowledge Graph can better describe data. The technical composition of the knowledge graph has four main parts: crawlers crawl information; data storage module stores data; denotational disambiguation and triad algorithms extract information features and process data; visualization interface processes display data. Through the processing of car information by knowledge mapping, the ponderous data can be displayed in a concise and clear way, which is convenient for people to grasp the important information quickly and collect more complete information at the same time In this experiment report, the research background and research significance of knowledge graph in automotive field are introd


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