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国开电大专科 《人文英语2》 一平台机考真题(第一套) 第 一 大 题 、 交 际 用 语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。 1.-Do you mind if ask you why youve taken apart-time job here? - You know,there are many foreign customers like you here. A.Never mind B.Of course C.of course no [答案]C 2.-Mom,I have got the first prize ! A.Really?It is not true B.Oh,dont say that C.Great!I am so proud of you! [答案]C 3.-I am Paul,Can I have your name? A.I am new here B.I am 30 years old C.My name is Linda [答案]C 4.-Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation? A.No,l already have my plans B.Id love to,but Im busy today C.Im ill,so Ishouldnt go out [答案]B 5.-Wow!This is great ! A.So do! B.Dont mention it C.I agree with you.You are right [答案]C 第 二 大 题 、 词 汇 与 结 构(单选题)(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项。 6.Knowing about oneself is the first step to success. A.achieve B.attend C.afford I答案]A 7.Besides,there are many there,both historic and modem. A.places of interest B.parking places C.shopping malls [答案]A 8.The doctor heard a recorded message and then went to the room. A.emergence B.urgency C.emergency 2 [答案]C 9.These MOO Cs make it possible for people to their learning anyplace around the world. A.figure out B.carry out C.work out [答案]B 10.It is common practice now the web for resources and information for homework. A.to search B.searching C.search [答案]A 11.He speaks German,but his native is French. A.tongue B.voice C.accent [答案]C 12.You make the reservation.and Ill it in writing. A.affirm B.confirm C.convince I答案]B 13.We can act the interview. A.on B.as C.out [答案]C 14. is the weekend A.Wednesday B.Saturday C.Tu


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