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B.do [必威体育精装版]国开电大本科《管理英语4》历年期末考试(第二大题词汇与结构)题 库 2021年1月试题及答案 二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分) 6-2 0题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题 纸上。 6.She was very adaptive and soon adapted the campus life. A.with B.as C. to [答案]C 7.A11 glitters ( 闪 闪 发 光 ) is not gold. A.which B.that C.what [答案]B 8.This is the man last night. A.whom I saw him B.who Is a whim C.whom I saw [答案]C 9.I would recommend that you on following through with projects. A. worked B.work C.would work [答案]B 10.They werent too keen the idea at first because they thought it was not practical enough. A.of B.on C.in [答案]B 11.On hearing the news of the major exam again, the girl burst into tears. A.her having failed B.she failed C.her being failed [答案]A 12.It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensity we transform creativity and vision into the technologies. A.which B./ C. that [答案]C 13.Although we cant compete in terms of size, I believe we hold an advantage in terms of dedication to customer service. A.did C. as C. have [答案]B 14. on the hilltop, you could enjoy the scenery of the city bathed in the sun. A.Stood B.Stand C.Standing [答案]C 15.Without his assistance, I the research last month. A.would not h


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