英语“话”中国文化 Unit 6 Ethnic Groups.ppt

英语“话”中国文化 Unit 6 Ethnic Groups.ppt

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Text D The Hui people are industrious. Their development and progress have been facilitated, however, by adopting the Han language and living with the Han. Since the Yuan and Ming dynasties, large numbers of Hui peasants joined the Han and people of other ethnic groups in reclaiming wasteland, farming and grazing in the hinterland and along border regions. Hui artisans were famous for their craftsmanship in making incense, medicine, leather and cannons, as well as in mining and smelting of ore. Hui merchants played a positive role in the economic exchanges between the hinterland and border regions and in trade contacts between China and other Asian countries. Hui scholars and scientists made outstanding contributions to China in introducing and spreading the achievements of Western Asia in astronomy, medicine and a number of other academic and cultural developments. These helped to promote the well-being and productive activities of the people of China as a whole. Chinese history has seen not a few outstanding Hui representing their people in the fields of politics, economy and culture. Text D   回族是一个勤劳的民族。使用汉语和与汉族人一起生活促进了他们的发展和进步。元、明以来,大批回族农民加入到了汉族和其他民族的队伍当中,在内地和边疆地区垦荒种草。回族工匠以烧香、制药、制革、制炮以及采矿、冶炼矿石等技艺闻名于世。回族商人在内地与边疆的经济交流以及中国与亚洲各国的贸易往来中发挥了积极的作用。回族学者和科学家引进和传播西亚在天文学、历法、医学等学术和文化发展方面的成就,为中国做出了杰出的贡献。这些有利于促进全中国人民的健康幸福和生产生活。中国历史上,在政治、经济、文化等各个领域,都有不少杰出的回族代表。 Text D Discuss with your partner and answer the following questions. What are the characteristics of Hui people’s clothes? Do you know the dietary habits and taboos in the Hui ethnic group? How much do you know about the wedding customs of Hui people? Cultural Tips China is a united multi-ethnic country of 56 ethnic groups. All ethnic groups are equal. By China’s Constitution, all ethnic groups enjoy equal rights, with the central government protecting each group’s legal rights and interests, on a united, mutually beneficial basis. The government frowns upon any prejudice against various ethnic g


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