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第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 1 1页 2021-2022学年湖北省恩施州巴东县九年级(下)期中英语试卷 1. —Excuse me, where is Xingguang Theatre? —Go along this road to the end, and youll find ______ on your left. A. it B. any C. one 2. —Could you please tell me the______________ of the dress? —Of course.Its about 500 yuan.(  ) A. price B. color C. shape 3. According to the new school rules,students ______________take their mobile phone to school.(  ) A. wouldnt B. may?not C. mustnt 4. 一________do you play sports, Ella? — Every day. Its necessary for us to play sports an hour a day at school. A. How?much B. How often C. How long 5. Hurry up!Grandpa______________ us to have dinner at the moment.(  ) A. will?wait?for B. waits?for C. is?waiting?for 6. Nowadays we should have our temperature taken______________ we enter public places.(  ) A. before B. until C. after 7. Our school has held many activities ______________ the 70th birthday of our school.(  ) A. celebrate B. to?celebrate C. celebrating 8. ______________ fire,we should stay calm and leave as quickly as possible.(  ) A. Because?of B. With?the?help?of C. In?case?of 9. —I havent______________your telephone number yet.Would you mind saying it again? —Of course not.139-9237-8645.(  ) A. give?up B. written?down C. put?down 10. —Dont sit on that chair.There______________ some candy on the bench. —Sorry,I didnt see it just now.Many thanks.(  ) A. is B. are C. will?be Dear Lin Gang, How time flies!I miss you very much.How I wish to visit you! It was great to(1) ______ you that I had a very good winter holiday.A group of us went cross-country skiing(越野滑雪) in my hometown. We had a lot of fun,but on the last day,one of our teammates,Li Jie,had a(n)( 2) ______ and broke her leg.She was skiing very fast down the mountain (3) ______ a little boy suddenly stopped in front of her.She tried her best not to hit him but(4) ______ ,she hit a tree. At first we thought she was OK,but after a few minutes she(5) ______ her leg and started crying.It



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