Puppy in a Box(课件)丽声分级绘本二级上.pptx

Puppy in a Box(课件)丽声分级绘本二级上.pptx

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Puppy in a box 箱子里的小狗 Cover reading What can you see on the cover?在封面上你能看到什么?Author作者Illustrator绘者puppy(幼犬、小狗、体型小)puppy First reading Q:What are the boy and the puppy’s names?Q:How many people are there in the boy’s family?FourFidoJackAnswer the questions 小妹妹baby sister 23There are two puppies in a basket.The man puts one puppy in a box.It is for Jack.23puppy-puppiesbasket篮子basketball篮球 Picture walk Q1:How many puppies are there in a basket? Q2:Who gives (给) Jack the puppy? twopuppies两只小狗put one puppy in a box在箱子里放一只狗 Fido barks on the way home.He barks at Jack’s babysister.Mum is not happy.45 He barks all day and all night.Dad is not happy.Fido barks at the girl and her brother.The parents are not happy.67 When the puppy has a new home,what happens?当小狗来到新家后,发生什么了?Fido barks all day and all night. why does Fido bark all day and all night?Let’s think Maybe Fido is........scaredlonelyunhappymisses friend/familyMaybe Fido ........ Picture walk 4 to 9 Who are not happy?Jack’s mumThe parentsJack’s dad Why are theyunhappy?他们为什么不开心?bark(狗吠) Fido barks on the way home.He barks at Jack’s baby sister.Fido barks at the girl and her brother.He barks all day and all night.在回家的路上整天整夜Read the senteces This has to stop.Jack goes to school.89confused 困惑upset心烦 This has to stop!Stop! Mum picks up the phone.Dad gets the box.What do dad and mum do?Let’s think What will they do?A. send the puppy away (送走)B. find the puppy a friend If you are Jack, what will you do to stop the bark? Let’s think I will...... When he comes home. It is very quiet.1011What’s the ending?故事的结局是什么? Where is Fido? Jack looks in the kitchen.There are two puppies in the basket. Fido has a friend.Fido’s friendFido There are two puppies in the basket .They are all warm and quiet. What do you think about Jack’s family?understand 理解love 爱warm温暖的friendly友好的help帮助关心carehappy幸福的 Everybody needs to be accompanied.Pets also needs to be accompanied.每个人都需要家人、朋友的陪伴,动物亦然。 Homework: 1.Share the story and l



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