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Foreword According to the requ irements of Docu ment JIA~BIAO ( 2015) No. 274 issued by the M inistry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Peoples Republic of China (MOHURD) —“Notice on Printing an d Distributingthe Development and Revision P lan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2016 , this stan dard is amended from GB 50224-2010,_CQ_de for Acceptance of ^r Construction Q uality of Anticon·osive E11gi11eeri11g of Building.I; by China_, P~-troleum and Chemical Engineering Survey and Design Assoc iation, Shanghai Fuchen Chemis.a ls_Go., ~td. and relevant parties In the revising process, the editoria l staff conscientiously c01;iduqte~lextensive investigations and ` stud1es,conducted spec 1a l dlSCUSSlons and test venhcauons,su呻沁;ractIcal expenence,referred to ,、 relevant international stan dards and advanced foreign 歹tndar护 After repeated discussion and strength of resin concrete and resin self- leveling, the bond strength between fiber-reinforced plastics and concrete , the tens ile and bending strength of resin glass fl ake m ortar are added; 4 . Mod巾ed strength pe r formance indicators o f fin ished polyme r cement screed products; 5. The content of the isolation layer in the relevant chapters has been u niformly adjusted to the an ticorros ive project of block mater ia l, and the quality acceptance me thod of the anticorrosion carbon brick is added; 6 . The acid resistance index and detection method o f natural stone are added; 7. Inspection items and testing methods for antic


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