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6 - 摘 要 从汽车诞生至现在,相关的综合技术在一直发展和进步。与此同时,在汽车的稳定性、可操控性以及舒适性等综合指标方面,大众的要求也越来越高。汽车悬架系统即是综合指标的一部分。汽车悬架系统有多种形式,多连杆独立悬架由于其操纵性良好,驾驶舒适性较高以及其他过硬的综合指标,深受众多消费者的喜爱。但是就该系统来说,由于其结构复杂,制造成本较高,多连杆悬架系统仅适用于少部分价格较高的乘用车。然而近年来,随着汽车制造工艺的不断提升,伴随着零件成本的不断减少,汽车制造企业开始将这种复杂的、优良的悬架设备配备在低档汽车上,以提高汽车的综合性能,并引起了广泛的良好反响。本次设计的基于某乘用车的后悬架系统正是多连杆悬架,符合当今时代需求。 本次毕业设计以多连杆后悬架系统为目标,并进行了减振器、弹性元件、导向机构以及参数的设计、选用和计算、校核。采用三维软件对以上所述的零件进行建模。同时应用软件分析的方法,分析了有关设计参数的合理性以及准确性。 关键词:多连杆,独立悬架,后悬挂, soildworks Abstract Since the invention of automobile, the automobile technology has been developing and improving. At the same time, in terms of vehicle stability, controllability, comfort and other comprehensive indicators, the public demand is also higher and higher. The automobile suspension system is part of the comprehensive index. There are many forms of automobile suspension system. Multi link independent suspension is very popular for many consumers because of its good maneuverability, high driving comfort and other excellent comprehensive indexes. But for this system, because of its complex structure and high manufacturing cost, the multi link suspension system is only suitable for a small number of expensive passenger cars. However, in recent years, with the continuous improvement of automobile manufacturing technology, with the continuous reduction of the cost of parts, the automobile manufacturing enterprises have started to put this complex and excellent suspension equipment on the low gear to improve the comprehensive performance of the car and cause a wide range of good repercussions. The design of the rear suspension system based on a passenger car is multi link suspension, which is in line with the needs of todays times. The main content of this graduation project is the design of the rear suspension system. The rear suspension system adopts the multi link system which is widely used now. The design, selection, calculation and verification of shock absorber, elastic element, guiding mechanism and parameters a


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