人教版高考英语一轮复习主题做人与做事1 Morals and Virtues 道德与美德课件.ppt

人教版高考英语一轮复习主题做人与做事1 Morals and Virtues 道德与美德课件.ppt

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主题群二 做人与做事 主题 1 Morals and Virtues 道德与美德 英 语 内容索引 主题词汇 主题语篇 主题写作 主题词汇 词汇认知 项目 课标词汇 非课标词汇 补充词汇 名词(n.) moral virtue marriage majority fee response scholarship hire physician clinic election decade staff saving kindergarten principle insurance accident operation whisper midnight import export pole lap bite chairman memory chain café tear harm court income tension dilemma tuition union colleague rejection lip waitress disguise maple cart despair might fable fessor position solution per cent chemical creature effect accommodation idiom authority source photographer button shock element variety path image reaction file 项目 课标词汇 非课标词汇 补充词汇 动词(v.) plain respond hire reject tend publish retire scare replace whisper import export bite harm faint entrust appoint elect assist disguise spill limp despair seek determine crash destroy survive found recover concentrate freeze stare capture 形容词(adj.) moral precious passive sharp energetic flexible faint faraway scared pregnant Atlantic annual amazing 副词(adv.) elsewhere therefore ? eventually 介词(prep.) per ? ? 项目 课标词汇 非课标词汇 补充词汇 短语(phr.) moral dilemma carry sb through sth in need of at times play a key role be responsible for treat...as... be known as not ...any more tend to do sth at midnight pass away in memory of once upon a time crash into pick oneself up trip over in tears neither...nor... make an attempt to do in despair a great deal(of) succeed in doing belong to kill two birds with one stone when the cat’s away(the mice will play) hold your horses rain cats and dogs brave the elements after all 词汇拓展 1.moral adj.道德的;道义上的 n.品行; 道德; 寓意→       adv.道德上; 道义上→        n.道德; 道德准则? 2.illustrate vt.(举例)说明; 阐明; 给(书或文章)加插图→       n.示例; 插图? 3.marriage n.结婚; 婚姻→       vt.娶; 嫁; 为……主持婚礼 →       adj.已婚的? 4.majority n.大部分; 大多数→       adj.主要的 ? 5.complain vi. vt.抱怨;发牢骚→         n.抱怨; 投诉? 6.respond vt.回答; 回复 vi.做出反应; 回应→        n.反应; 回答; 答复? morally morality illustration marry married major complaint response 7.scholarship n.奖学金→  



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