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编制 department 造粒部 compound 造粒机作业指导书 Pelletization M/C operation procedure 文件编号 Document number QYZL-004 核准 approved 对应因素及活动 Corresponding factors and activities 版本 version 2014-11 造粒机设备、条件、步骤和方法 Pelletization M/C equipment、 condition、procedure and method 页次 page 1 适用范围:适用于原料部造粒机。 Application: pelletization M/C of the raw material department. 使用工具及设备:造粒机、循环水冷却系统、加热系统、抽风机、风管、扳手、气枪等。 Apparatus: pelletization M/C、circulating water cooling system、heating system、exhaust fan、air pipe、spanner、air gun. 作业条件:Operation condition: 3.0 当机台加热温度每段达到标准温度时方可投料生产。 Preheat each segment to standard temp. prior to putting materials into production. 3.1 为确保粒料颗粒均匀,各段参数须调整在PFC标准范围内。 Each segment should be adjusted to standard range of PFC to make pelletized material equal. 3.2 投料时,割成小块投入,并且料量不能超出料斗的第一接头处。 Cut into pieces when charging materials and material quantity cant exceed the first joint. 四、操作标准:Operation standard: 4.0 开机前先检查投料口是否有杂物。 Check for feed port whether there is any sundry prior to starting up the M/C. 4.1 冷机先关水加热,第一段至第五段温度每段80℃-100℃之间,待料与机台完全加热后再将每段温度恢复调整在标准范围内。 Turn off the flow of water prior to heating cold M/C; Each segment should be 80~100c; Material and M/C should be completely heated before adjusting each segment temp. to standard range. 4.2 每一批次最后一手,与下一批次第一手,要严格在造粒机投料时分离隔开。 The last batch of one lot and the first batch of next one should be separated strictly when charging material. 4.3 更换ER、MCS、颜色,都要彻底清理干净模头及主轴,换班次也一样。 Clean up the die head and mandrel prior to changing ER、MCS、color and shift. 4.4 开机顺序:风机   切刀   主机   进料轴。 Boot order: fan →parting tool →main engine →feed mandrel. 关机顺序:进料轴   主机   切刀   风机。 Shutdown sequence: feed mandrel →main engine →parting tool →fan. 五、安全、保养事项:Safety and maintenance item: 5.0 操作员操作员持上岗证上岗,上班时间注意力集中,用不能用手或脚搭在机台上造成安全隐患。 Operators must hold the working certificate, and concentrate on working time, and dont put hands or feet on the M/C to prevent safety hazard. 5.1 开启机台让其空转3-5分钟检查机台是否有油、有水、是否有异常,机台双轴零件是否有松动及损伤,一切正常后


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