国开电大《管理英语 3》 期末机考题库.pdfVIP

国开电大《管理英语 3》 期末机考题库.pdf

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国开电大 《管理英语3》期末机考题库 综合版 备注:适用于国开电大2023年期末机考。 第一大题 交际用语 A 题目:-Any suggestions forthe project? - 答案:Iadvise youto put more hands in this project. 题目: -Anything else? [答案]:C.Moreover,we provide education relating to depression and anxiety. 题目:—Are you going on holiday fora long time? [答案]:A. Itwas a longtime. 题目:——Are you going on holiday foralong time? 一 [答案]:C. No.Only a couple of days. 题目:一 about it now? —Everytime a customer has complainedwevefollowed ourstore policy andoffered themanexchange orafull refund. [答案]:C. Whats being done C 题目:—Could Ihelp youwiththe heavy box?You look so tired. 一 Ican manage it. [答案]:A. No,thanks. 题目:- Do youmind if Ismoke here? 答案:Yes, better not. 题目: 一Does she speak French or German? —Shedoesnt, [答案]:A.either 题目: -Do you mind if Ismoke here? 一 [答案]:C.Yes,betternot. 题目:- Donttaketoo long atthecoffee shop. Its 14:15. — [答案]:C.Isee.We have 30 minutes left. F 题目:一 fathertook part inthe charity activity inthe neighbourhood yesterday? —Peters. [答案]:A. Whose 题目:一 — Firefireservice please!Theresa hugefire here. [答案]:A.911,how may Idirect yourcall? G 题目: -Good morning,Volunteering Matters, how can Ihelp you? 一 [答案]:C. Goodmorning, Id like to find out how Icould become a volunteer. 题目:一 —Generally speaking,we are concernedwithallaspects of promotinggood health. [答案]:C.What health care programs there are in the community? 题目: -Good morning, Volunteering Matters, how can Ihelp you? —Good morning, Id like to find out [答案]:B. how Icould become a volunteer H 题目:—Have you been to Paris? 答案:No, it was a long time ago. 题目:- How is everything going? - ,weve been quite busy this month and theres been quite a lot of progress since the last inspection. 答案:As you can see 题目:— Hello, Im Harry Potter. — Hello, my name is Charles Green, but . 答案:callme Charles 题目:- How did you miss


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