Cover Letter(投稿信)-建议往重要期刊投稿时使用.docx

Cover Letter(投稿信)-建议往重要期刊投稿时使用.docx

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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 Cover Letter(投稿信)-建议往重要期刊投稿时使用 Chief Editor Scientific Reports The Macmillan Building 4 Crinan Street London N19XW, UK Dear Editor: Plea find attached our manuscript entitled “A new insight into ductile fracture of ultrafine-grained Al-Mg alloys” which we wish to submit for possible publication in Scientific Reports. This manuscript, or any part of it, has not been published and will not be submitted elwhere for publication while being considered by Scientific Reports. The manuscript has not been discusd with a Scientific Reports Editor prior to submission. The authors declare that there are no competing financial interests. attenderformal The authors have a collective rearch background unifying nanoscale materials, metals and alloys, composite materials, fracture and damage mechanics, applied physics, and mechanical properties. In the current study, we have discovered a relationship between the ductile fracture mechanism and grain refinement of ultrafine-grained/nanostructured metals. We found that the mean grain size at fracture end approaches the theoretical minimum achievable mean grain size value that directly determines the fracture behavior of metals post necking. This finding will be a milestone in fracture mechanics and nanostructured materials. Thus this work will be of great interest to readers of various scientific disciplines, in particular materials scientists and physicists working on nanostructured materials as well as micromechanics. .rtcscls-2-p_0 { }.rtcscls-2-r_0 { font-size: 18px; }.rtcscls-2-r_1 { font-size: 18px; }.rtcscls-2-s_p_1 { text-align: justify; }.rtcscls-2-s_p_13_rId_a3 { text-align: left; }.rtcscls-2-s_p_20_rId_CharCharChar { line-height: 100%; }.rtcscls-2-s_p_23_rId_a7 { border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;text-align: center; }.rtcscls-2-s_p_28_rId_a9 { text-align: left; }.rtcscls-2-s_p_4_rId_a { text-align: justify; }.rtcscls-2-s_p_51_rId_af2 { }.rt


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