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2022-2023 学年广东省广州市越秀区七年级〈下〉期末英语试卷 第I卷选择题.听力部分. 一、听力理解. I. (2分) ( I ) What does John’s uncle look like? A.Thin. B.Tall. C.Strong. (2) What do巳S John 叫oy most? A.Eating Uncle Peter’s dishes. B.Taking photos of Uncle Peter. C.Tellingjoke品 with Uncle 巳ter. 2. (2分) (I) How many citi巳S did Lily visit in Australia? A.2. B.3. C.4. ( 2) Who did Jack go to the summer camp with? A.Lily. B.Tom. C.His parents. 3. (3分) ( I ) What will the boy do in the competition? A.Make a speech. B.Read a poem. C.Writ巳 a poem. ( 2) When will the woman arrive at the classroom? A.At 2: 25. B.At 2: 30. C.At 2: 35. (3) How will th巳 woman go to her son’s school? A.On fool. B.By underground. C.By car. 4. (3分) ( I ) Where are the sp巳akers? A.At school. B.Al home. C.At th巳 library. ( 2) Why did the girl apologize? A.Sh巳 wasted 巳 lectricity. B.Sh巳 didn’t do her homework. C.Sh巳 sat by the window. (3) How will th巳 girl sav巳 electricity? A.By helping children in poor ar巳as. B.By turning off the lights at daytime. C.By using air conditioner less often. 二、 听取信息. 听下面一段独白, 请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息, 并把答案填入答题卷标号为(A)~〈盼的空格中, 每个空格填一个或多个单词. 录音 读两遍. 5. (5分) (I) People Keep Pets Pets make people (2) Pets help (3) 一一一一_learn how to take care of others. Pets h巳lp people look after (4) Pets might help people feel ( 5) 笔试部分. 三、 语音辨别• A)请找出下列选项中划线部分字母与所给膏标发音相同的单词- 6. ( I分) 请找出下列选项中划线部分字I±]: 与所给音标发音相同的单词。 /υ al ( ) A. j皿ney B. hour C. tour D. YQ且r 7. ( I分)请找出下列i在项中划线部分字每与所给音标发音相同的单词。 II al ( ) A. 也rth B. s;且rly c. lllin D. h!<缸 8. ( I分) 请找出下列选项中划线部分字



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