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第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 1 1页 2022-2023学年河南省南阳市卧龙区八年级(下)期中英语试卷 A ※Step1 Remind yourselves that it is never OK to hurt others. It is important to know what is acceptable(可被接受的) and what is not for others.You should not hurt others or hurting them with words. ※Step2 Take three deep breaths(呼吸) or count slowly to 10. You need to understand big feelings are very normal but doing something bad because of these feelings will bring results.Taking a few deep breaths or slowly counting to 10 can help you calm down. ※Step3 Use your words to say how you feel and what you wish. Saying what you wish helps you open a peaceful talk to solve the problems.Of course,your wish cant always comes true,but you can work out a more comfortable way together with the person who you are angry with. ※Step4 Ask for help to solve the problem. It is OK to ask for help when you dont feel that you can solve the problem alone.Asking your parents or teachers for advice may help you find better ways. ※Step5 Take the time you need to calm down. Sometimes you may still feel angry or upset even having worked through each of the above steps.Then it is often better to walk away or to find another safe way to deal with those feelings.Several days later,you may not feel as strongly about what happened. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 1. What does Step 2 tell us? ______ A. Only angry people have big feelings. B. It is normal to feel angry. C. Unhealthy people easily become angry. D. Numbers can make people feel comfortable. 2. What should you do if others dont do as you wish? ______ A. Forget what you need and follow their ideas. B. Force them to accept your idea. C. Stop talking to them. D. Find a new solution together. 3. What if your bad moods are still there after you have tried steps 1-4? ______ A. There is no safe way left to solve the problem. B. The problem is too serious for you to solve. C. You have to find the problems in your body. D. Time may help you calm down and be peaceful again. 4. We shouldnt


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