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evaluation of scientif ic developm ent. Nature securit y t ype- -nat ure securit y is t o m aint enance people of healt h value f or t arget , t hrough str engthening securit y based m anagem ent , and r isk managem ent, and equipm ent m anagement and t echnology super vision, ensur e pr oduct ion in t he people, and r eal, and syst em, and system, elem ents securit y r eliable, and harm ony unif ied, f ull contr ol var ious against f act or s, achieved t hought no slack, and m anagem ent no em pt y docum ent, and equipm ent no hidden, and syst em no blocked, and unit zer o non-st opped. Qualit y and efficiency- -qualit y benefit is t o adher e t o t he ent er prise survival, pr of it and developm ent business t r ut h, adhere t o t he all act ivit y is economic act ivit y, all cost s can be cont r olled, m oney should not be wasted m anagement philosophy, m anagem ent analysis, t o im pr ove m anagem ent qualit y, im pr ove cost cont rol capacit y and m arket com petit iveness. I nnovat ion of science and t echnology-- science and t echnology innovation is t o play t he r ole of science and t echnology as t he prim ary pr oductive f orce, active use of new t echnologies, new mat erials, new pr ocesses, new equipm ent, increase investm ent in science andt echnology, str engthening scientif ic and t echnological t r aining, speeding up t r ansf orm ing scientif ic and t echnological achiev em ents, f orming a num ber of pr opriet ar y t echnology, enhancing core com petit iveness. Resour ce-savingt- he-r esources saving ent er prisewas t o r educe coal consum pt ion, wat er consumption, electr icit y at t he cor e, enhance t he oper at ion of lean managem ent t o r ealize low consum pt ion, high efficiency, r educe pr oduction cost s. Second is t o str engt hen t he business, f inancial, m at erial, inf orm at ion and t he optim ization of organization and m anagement, saving t he int ernal t r ansact ion costs. Harm


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