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第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 1 1页 2022-2023学年山东省青岛市莱西市高一(下)期末考试英语试卷 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分) A Upcoming Food Festivals in Summer Stuttgarter Weindorf (Stuttgart, Germany), August 21-25 This food festival celebrates wine on the land of beer. German wine is obviously underrated. Stuttgarts annual Weindorf sees 28 open air restaurants serving more than 500 wines from Baden and Wurttemberg, with reds, whites, roses and sparkling versions all available. Fresh pretzels and chocolates will also be available to help mop up the alcohol. Matstreif (Oslo, Norway), July 11-12 With a wide variety of dishes available at wallet-sparing prices, this event sees more than 200 food stalls open for business in Oslos City Hall Square. Bold foodies should try rakfisk—rotten fish. If that sounds a bit much, theres always svele, a kind of pancake that originates from western Norway. Loch Lomond Food and Drink Festival (Loch Lomond, Scotland), August 4-6 The 10th annual edition of this festival offers one of the best showcases for Scottish produce. On the menu are local specialties and venison (鹿肉) from the surrounding national park. For those who like a competitive edge with their lunch, theres even a haggis?eating contest that pits eight hungry visitors against each other to see who can eat a pound of the local food Cheese 2023 (Bra, Italy), August 27-September 2 The name is a bit of a giveaway here. This bi-annual event sees Italys best cheese makers gather on the small town of Bra. Its free to visit, although plenty of euros (欧元) are needed to pay for samples and tryout some of the courses on offer. Whatever they are hunting for, cheese lovers will be well taken care of. They just need to make sure theres time for post-cheese snooze before the next round of cheese tasting. 1. What can visitors do at the Norwegian food festival? A. Try some pancakes. B. Eat a pound of haggis. C. Drink red and white wines. D. Buy samples of cheese. 2. Where can people join in an eating competition? A.



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