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* 计算盒数时考虑不够一个看板(例中为一盒)时的处理-以整盒计(四舍五入法) * 例中台面只是一种承载方式,可有其它选择,适用就行; 可以的话,装警报装置-在中间两盒下设一微动开关,外接蜂鸣器,当中间最后一盒取走即刻鸣叫,提醒前工段需补给货物了 * 新设工厂或扩大经营,应最大程度上采用“流线化生产”布局方式;相对于“并行式”排拉方式 * * * * 平衡前面讲过,可稍加回顾! * 滑槽等辅助方式,只是当工站间存在传递困难时才采用,不需要辅助工具能实现传递则最佳! * 理解WIP削减是如何地增加流动资金、减少利息支出? 企业资金来源有二:自存积金和借贷筹资。库存是要用资金来购买的,动用借贷就意味着需付出利息 * 降低库存何以使问题“浮现”? * 降低库存的过程本身就是全员挑战整个物料管控的过程 * * Change to Before: Straight line with huge WIP and lower flow. Use trays to transfer parts. After: Split line to 6 cells with same function. Transfer parts one by one. Metrics Before Update Improving % WIP (pcs) 3600 420 88% Lead Time (minutes) 12.8 1.2 90% PPH 120 150 25% Remark: A- Tape part B- Install LED C- Apply glue D- Install light pipe A A A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C D D D D D D In Out A B C D In Out A B C D In Out A B C D In Out A B C D In Out A B C D In Out A B C D In Out Metrics Before Update Improving % WIP (pcs) 3760 840 77% PPH 94 120 27% * Before: Straight line with huge WIP and extra motions. After: Reduce WIP and increase efficiency through performing one-piece flow. Change to Use slide way to make one-piece flow happen * Metrics Before Update Improving % WIP (pc) 124 30 75% PPH 200 250 25% Before: Use a fixture soldering module, one fixture holds 4 modules. Fixture with 4 modules can’t be transferred to next step until each operator finishes soldering 4 modules. Next step Change to Fixture Module Next step After: Arrange 4 operators as a group. The first operator only solders the first module, then transfers the fixture to the second person who solders the second module … Part flows faster * 焗炉 Change to Metrics Before Update Improving % Efficiency 96% 114% 18% Lead Time (minutes) 15.3 11 28% Conveyor Belt (set) 1 0 A set of conveyor belt saved. Before: Straight line with extra motion of loading unloading parts. Part flows slowly. Operators need to frequently turn about their bodies. Conveyor Belt Slide Way After: Adopt slide way instead of conveyor be


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