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2023 Progress Report on the National Roadway Safety Strategy United States Department of Transportation | February 2023 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590 精选汽车研报,入群免费分享 1. 工作日群内免费分享多篇精选汽车行业资料,涵盖市场、技术、产业等多个维度; 2. 海量资料库,及时满足群友专题资料搜寻需求; 3. 严明群规,禁止广告,外链,禁止未沟通加好友,保护群友隐私; 4. 车企高管,行业大咖都在参与的行业干货分享社群; 我们致力于构建优质、极致的汽车行业知识、情报及案例分享社群; 扫码关注!or 微信有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站“3W AUTO ”关注! 回复关键词【进群】,加入3W AUTO 汽车干货分享群 精选研报,均为网络收集版本,权利归原作者所有,3W AUTO 仅作为内部学习分发。 Contents Letter from the Secretary 2 Update on the Roadway Safety Problem 3 What is USDOT Doing about Roadway Fatalities? 4 Notable Milestones and Activities in 2022 6 New NRSS Actions 8 New Crosscutting Actions 8 New Safer People Actions 8 New Safer Roads Actions 8 New Safer Vehicles Actions 9 New Safer Speeds Actions9 How is USDOT Working with Others to Advance Roadway Safety? 9 Conclusion 10 1 Letter from the Secretary The most basic truth about transportation too often goes unsaid: arriving safely is what matters most. We know this to be true, yet in our most familiar and common form of transportation - the use of roads by vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists - tens of thousands of lives are lost every year in America. One year ago, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT, or the Department) released the National Roadway Safety Strategy, a new, comprehensive approach to address the crisis of deaths on our roadways. In recent years, we have seen alarming increases in roadway fatalities, with rates moving in the wrong direction after decades of progress. An estimated 42,915 people died on our roadways in 2021, with millions more seriously and often permanently injured. We have committed to take urgent action to save lives on our roadways, and we have been working ac


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