七年级下册 Unit1-4(练习)(原卷版)(中考英语一轮复习讲练测).docx

七年级下册 Unit1-4(练习)(原卷版)(中考英语一轮复习讲练测).docx

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单项选择。 1.(2020襄阳中考)—How does the banana milkshake ? —Delicious. I’d like to have another glass. A.look B.smell C.taste D.sound 2.(2020营口中考)— the dishes after dinner, Tony. —No problem, Mom. A.Washing B.Washes C.To wash D.Wash 3.(2020龙东地区中考)Look at the big and clean room. It’s . A.Lucy’s and Lily’s B.Lucy and Lily’s C.Lucy’s and Lily 4.(2020北京中考)Usually I make breakfast for my family Saturdays. A.at B.in C.on D.to 5.(2020牡丹江中考)Mum, the supermarket next to our house has a big sale. We can buy some fresh fruit there. A.early B.quickly C.cheaply 6.(2020牡丹江中考)—Who went to the graduation party last night, Mary? —Almost everyone did. lots of students Ms. Wang appeared at the party. A.Not only; but also B.Neither; nor C.Either; or 7.(2019山东青岛中考)The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A.from B.among C.in D.between 根据句意及中文提示或首字母提示完成单词。 1.(2020南通中考)Huawei was the (获胜者)in the worldwide smartphone market in April, 2020. 2.(2020南通中考)Many visitors come to Beijing and hope to watch the raising of the national (旗帜). 3.(2020镇江中考)The old couple have two sons and both of them are (邮递员). 4.(2020盐城中考)Scientists say that music makes our brain “feel happy” and that it (解释)the importance of music in cultures all over the world. 5.(2020连云港中考)Have you read the report? Those (英雄)stories really touched me deeply. 6.(2020宁波中考)Because of the COVID-19, only a few (市场)were open in our city last spring. 7.(2020德阳中考)At school, we have many rules—don’t be n , don’t eat in class, ... 8.(2020德阳中考)People prefer to wear T-shirts made of c in summer because they make people feel more comfortable. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.(2020淮安中考) (not make) any noise. The baby is sleeping. 2.(2020常州中考)—Ann, is this umbrella (you) or Jack’s? —It’s mine. 3.(2020扬州中考)Kate is (sit) alone



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