七年级下册 Unit5-8(练习)(原卷版)(中考英语一轮复习讲练测).docx

七年级下册 Unit5-8(练习)(原卷版)(中考英语一轮复习讲练测).docx

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1.(2020鄂州中考)—What’s this? —It’s a paper cutting of Fu. It’s a kind of art . A.job B.work C.picture D.symbol 2.(2020云南中考)—Could you please do the dishes? — . I cut my finger and I’m trying not to get it wet. A.Yes, sure B.No problem C.Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t D.That would be fine 3.(2020南京中考)—It was a fantastic trip. So, which city did you like best, Wuhan, Chengdu or Chongqing? — . There were good things and bad things about them. A.No problem B.It is hard to say C.Enjoy yourself D.You must be joking 4.(2020青海中考)A CCTV news reporter will come to interview Wang Lin tomorrow. Please tell her . A.not to be late B.not to come C.to watch TV 5.(2020黔西南中考)The children here improve their English listening and speaking every day. A.on B.through C.with D.by 6.(2020天津中考)Because people can find information on the Internet, knowledge spreads . A.quickly B.loudly C.hardly D.nearly 7.(2020黔西南中考)Jack, you are going to the mountain village to help the children, ? A.don’t you B.do you C.aren’t you D.are you 根据句意及中文提示完成句子。 1.(2020济宁中考)I used to (收集)stamps, but now I like drawing. 2.(2020济宁中考) (污染)is becoming more and more serious with the rapid development of industry. 3.(2020广安中考)What would you like to eat on your (生日)? 4.(2020广安中考)This elephant (重量是)many times more than this panda. 5.(2020铜仁中考)Big sale! (买)more and save more. 6.(2020铜仁中考) (春天)is coming. Everything comes back to life. 7.(2020百色中考)Huang Wenxiu, a model of times, we will remember (她)forever. 8.(2020百色中考)The girl with a round face and big (眼睛)comes from England. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.(2020云南中考)Great changes have taken place in (we) hometown. 2.(2020云南中考)—Let’s go swimming in the river this afternoon. —We’d better not. It’s (danger). 3.(2020常德中考)—Is that (you) schoolbag? —No, it isn’t. 4.(2020常德中考)They like pears, but they don’t like (strawberry). 5.(2



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