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1、How to diagnose nephrotic syndrome: 答:① confirm whether the patients are the nephrotic syndrome ② rule out the secondary diseases causing nephrotic syndrome ③ make sure the pathological type of the nephrotic syndrome by renal biopsy ④ assess the complication associated with nephrotic syndrome 2、What is white coat hypertension? White coat hypertension refers to the situation in which a patients blood pressure (BP) is elevated when measured by a physician or other health care personnel but normal when measured outside the health care setting. The syndrome is best diagnosed by 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring or home BP monitoring. 3、What are the major etiological factors of nutritional iron deficiency anemia? ① Stored iron deficiency at birth, ie: premature birth, Low birth weight, twins, etc. ② Inadequate diet. It is the most important etiological factor. ③ Rapidly growth, especially in infants and adolescents. ④ Malabsorption of iron. ⑤ Excessive loss of iron, ie: blood loss because peptic ulcer disease, intravascular emolysis,etc. 4、Please point out the five major manifestations in the Jones criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever ①rheumatic carditis ② migratory polyarthritis ③ chorea ④ erythema annulare or erythema circinatum ⑤ subcutaneous nodules 5、male patient, 18 years old, student.. He had an acute onset of left chest pain and dyspnea during playing volleyball, which aggravated within 6 hours. physical findings: BP100/70mmHg, P108/min, R20/min, trachea shift to right side, left chest expansion, decreased tactile fremitus, hyperresonance, diminished breath sounds. Cardiac borderline was not clear, low heart sound, regular rhythm, HR 108/min. Abdominal examination is negative. Questions: (1)Please write out the most possible diagnosis; (2) which is the best examination method to diagnose the young patient; (3) how to treat the patient? answers:(1)Left-sided spontaneous pneumothorax)(2)chest X-ray examination thorax punctu


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