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Stars On The Earth (地球上的星星) Topic: Every child is special 简介: Brief Introduction Ishaan Awasthi is an eight year old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate ;colors, fish ,dogs and kites are just not important in the world of adults, who are much more interested in thing like homework, marks and neatness (整洁).And Ishaan just cannot seem to get any right in class. Every child is special Every child is special One day a new Art Teacher bursts onto the scene, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, who infects the students with joy and optimism. He breaks all the rules of ‘how things are done’ by asking them to think, dream and imagine, and all the children respond with enthusiasm, all except Ishaan. Nikumbh soon realizes that Ishaan is not happy being at school, and sets out to discover why. He found that Ishaan ‘s main problem is who can’t spell and reading, he is a learning disorder(杂乱) in children.With time, patience and care, he ultimately(最终) helps Ishaan find himself. I thank every parent, teacher, and child who may not be directly a part of the cast and crew of the film, but has nevertheless contributed towards the making of this film. All of us together have made a film that has enhanced(提高,增强) our sensitivity towards children, and we hope that it does the same for everyone who sees it. To children, and childhood . . . 1,每一个孩子都是独一无二的,总有一天,他们会走出自己的路。 2,阅读障碍:爱因斯坦,达·芬奇,爱迪生背不出字母表,毕加索不理解数字“7”,迪斯尼不识字,所以致力于画漫画,阿加莎·克里斯蒂不会读也不会写,却是世界著名的推理小说家。 3,在我们周围,那些用独特眼光看世界的人,最终改变了这个世界。 4,他们的思维很独特,常常让人难以理解,一旦他们的成绩被世人所知,大家都震惊了。 5,让我们走出去,创造出一些不同的东西。用任何你感兴趣的,木头、石头、棍子。 6,奥斯卡·王尔德:谁需要一个只注重外表,不关心内在的愤青呢? 7,很少人能跳出思维的局限。 8,他需要的只是一个机会,否则,他会迷失的。 9,艺术创作的目的,在于表达自身的情感。 10,关心,是愈伤良药。 11,让孩子感觉被需要,拥抱,亲吻,让孩子感觉被关注。 我们身边有很多特殊的人在改变着这个世界,正是因为他们对世界有着不同的看法,他们的想法很独特,并不是每个人都能理解,他们是少数派,一旦他们展现出自己的才华,世人都为之叹息。 .有目标就有欢乐。 .泄气带来悲伤,乐观带来欢乐。 .生活就像棉花糖,织满希望与梦想。 .你的潜力如


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