(文末附答案)人教版2022年高中英语现在分词易错题集锦 .pdf

(文末附答案)人教版2022年高中英语现在分词易错题集锦 .pdf

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(每日一练)(文末附答案)人教版2022 年高中英语现在分词易错题集锦 单选题 1、Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you develop a healthy lifestyle, thus ________ you to have more energy. A .enablingB .being enabledC.enableD .to enable 2、The barriers to unity presented by European geography and very limited technology made it hard for a would-be conqueror to create a vast empire, eliminating competitors and ________his will over vast areas. A .CommittingB .correspondingC .transformingD .imposing 3、—Did you hear someone ___________ at the door? —Yes, it must be John. It’s time for him to get here. A .knocksB.knockingC.knockedD.to knock 4 、According to CBC news, the female candidate led the race with few votes________. A .remaining to be countedB.remained to be countedC.remaining to countD.remained to count 5、________ any staircase, I followed a dark passage and it seemed to go on forever. A .Not to have seenB.Seeing notC .Having not seenD.Not seeing 6、On the table lay a note ______ “Drop me a line whenever ______.” A .writing; you are convenient B.writing; it is convenient for you C .reading; you are convenient 1 D.reading; it is convenient for you 7、When Tom got home he saw a note on the table _______that don’t be discouraged, everything will turn out well soon. A .readingB.readsC.to readD .read 8、I’ve been told that the medical team, _________ five doctors and ten nurses, _________ sent to the flood-stricken area. A .consisting of; are to beB .is consisted of; will be C .consisting of; is to beD .consisting with; will be 9、The pop star walked out of the stage, _________her hands to her crazy fans. A .wavingB .was wavingC .wavedD .to wave 10、Internet literature has become a new trend, ________ people of all ages. A .appealedB .appealing toC .attractedD .drawing to 2 人教版2022年高中英语现在分词_02D参考答案 1、答案:A 解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意:足够的锻炼和


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