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The etiquette of invitationMaker:zhao xiaojing Contains:visitInvitatio nsformsHow to writedifferencesnoticetalkGreetingsIntroduction As we know,different countries have different cultures.Of course,there are many differences in communications.Intercultural communication regards too many aspects,not only cultural,but also social environment.Different ethnic groups have different language and cultural background.The same language and cultural background of different forms and often convey different message.Chinese and western cultures have different cultural backgrounds;if we don’t know the differences between them,we may often see the errors in communication.The goal is to learn a foreign language and learn to use language to communicate.when we learn language pronuciation,vocabulary,knowledge of the syntax of the language,the language must also beintroduction Peaple generally follow some common contacts or customary rules for communication. These xommon rules or habits of Westerners and Chinese people’s way if exprssion there is a big difference.Chinese people often use”you eat?””where are you?”as a greeting language.Western countries’ people will be very disgusted with regard to this,they think that thiese are personal privacy. They often prefer to chat about the weather,such as a personal affair of politicai topics,such as “It’s a good day.”American write Mark Twain once said this to say: “It’s true that every body talk about the weather.It’s the most common subject of conversation.”Age,marriage,wages and other individuals involved in the issue of personalDifferences noticeMake an appointment in advanceBe punctualBring some giftsKeep good eye contactKeep a moderate spaceDon’t stay too longBefore leaving,thank her or he TalkWork(but not salary or your own work details)Residence or housing(but not the price of the housePersonal hobbies(travelling. Reading. Music etc)4.Weather5.Current affair at home or abroad(but not confidential)6.Holidays 7Films or books Fo


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