省级优秀课件人教版小学英语四年级上册Unit2 My schoolbag .pptx

省级优秀课件人教版小学英语四年级上册Unit2 My schoolbag .pptx

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Unit 2 My schoolbag Part A Let’s spellUnit 2 My schoolbag A Let’s spell Learning objectives1.能够准确读出ie字母组合的发音;2.能够独立拼读含有ie字母组合的单词;3.能够在四线三格中正确书写单词;4.能够理解故事大意,自主流利拼读故事。学习目标 Warm upSing a song.听一听,唱一唱 Read and find.读一读,找出字母i的发音。big pig sixkidink Let’s review /i/ Let’s reviewSay it aloud.读一读kbhtrlfd PresantationToday,letter i mee a magic cat e.What will happen to them?Let’s have a look. Presantation Listen and find. Presantation听一听,圈出你听到的内容。 Task1:Read,listen and chant. Listen and find. Presantation听一听,圈出你听到的内容。 likekitefiveninericei-e/a?/ PresentationRead and find.读一读,找出相同字母的发音。 Listen again and choose.听一听,选一选。 PresantationSee the______new______,With the big number ________.Do you know the nice new kite?Yes, it is very ________.A.kite B.nice C.fine D.nine Listen and choose.听一听,选一选。 PresantationSee the____new____,With the big number _____.Do you know the nice new kite?Yes, it is very _____.A.kite B.nice C.fine D.nine BADC Read, listen and number.Presentation235416 Who is the spy(间谍) Presentationlikebignice Who is the spy(间谍) Presentationicesixbike Who is the spy(间谍) Presentationninericefish Who is the spy(间谍) Presentationmilkfivekite Listen, circle and write. i i-e i i-e i i-e i i-e Presentation Consolidation Consolidaation Consolidation: Let’s blend. bike Consolidation: Let’s blend. nice Consolidation: Let’s blend. Consolidation: Let’s blend. ride Consolidation: Let’s blend. side Consolidation: Let’s blend. wife Consolidation: Let’s blend. time Consolidation: Let’s blend. Can you blend? Presantation你能拼读这些单词吗? Listen and follow. Presantation听一听,并跟读。 1.Who and who is the story talking about?(故事谈论的是谁和谁?)2.What does the ant(蚂蚁) do?3.Who is the winner(冠军)? Consolidation:Read a story.Think and answer.思考并回答。 狐狸骑着自行车。 蚂蚁骑着风筝。 狐狸看见了终点线。 狐狸没看见风筝。 哦,不,狐狸看见了蚂蚁。 蚂蚁到了终点线


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