省级优秀课件人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit4 We love animals.pptx

省级优秀课件人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit4 We love animals.pptx

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Unit 4 We love animals! PartC Story time Learn about who goes to Zoom’s new house. Act out the story with your friends. Enjoy the time with your friends. Learning objectives Lets singWhat animals do you see in the song?(歌曲里你看见了哪些动物?) Let’s say What animals do you see in the song?(歌曲里你看见了哪些动物?) I see a/an ... Lets guessA: What’s this?B: It’s a/an... Zoom’s new houseI have a new house. I want to invite (邀请)my friends come to my house. Let’s guessWho????? Listen and tick1. Rabbit6. Dog2. Duck5. Pig4. Zip3. Tiger√√√√Who are in the story?√ Watch and number(看视频排序)ABCD( )( )( )( ) Watch and number Watch and number (看视频排序)ABCD( )( )( )( )1234 1234Listen and imitateHello,Pig!Follow me!Hello,Dog!Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Duck!Follow Zoom! Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Rabbit! Follow Zoom.Follow Pig.Follow Dog.Follow me. Think and sayHow is Zoom? (Zoom心情如何?)HappyUnhappyWhat happened? (猜一猜发生什么了?) Watch and answerWhat happened? (发生什么了?) 56Let’s thinkThe animals all follow Zip.What happened? (猜一猜发生什么了?) Why do they follow Zip?(为什么他们都跟着Zip?)I have a carrot.Follow me.Let’s thinkRabbit likes the carrot.Follow Zip!.Follow me! Look and sayNow you are Zoom,what will you say ?现在你是Zoom,你会说什么?... Lets enjoy 123456Hello,Pig!Follow me!Hello,Dog!Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Duck!Follow Zoom!Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Rabbit!Follow Zoom! Follow Pig!Follow Dog! Follow me!I have a carrot.Follow me!Follow Zip!.Follow me!Let’s actTips:1.流利地表演故事2.生动形象地演绎故事。3.加入新的语句,对故事进行创编。(6人小组演一演这个故事) Let’s act 123456Hello,Pig!Follow me!Hello,Dog!Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Duck!Follow Zoom!Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Rabbit!Follow Zoom! Follow Pig!Follow Dog! Follow me!I have a carrot.Follow me!Follow Zip!.Follow me!Let’s act(6人小组演一演这个故事)Tips:1.流利地表演故事2.生动形象地演绎故事。3.加入新的语句,对故事进行创编。 Show time! 123456Name the story(给故事取名)____________ Hello,Pig!Follow me!Hello,Dog!Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Duck!Follow Zoom!Follow Pig!Follow me!Hello,Rabbit!Follow Zoom! Follow Pig!Follow Dog! Follow me!I have


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